Yard/Garden Update
Wednesday I got the Aerify Plus in the mail, so yesterday I manage to get off the couch and spray the front yard and flower beds. The solution is all natural so I didn’t have to worry about the spray drifting because it won’t harm anything. I was surprised by the color, very dark brown almost black. I guess since it has molasses in it that’s why it’s so dark. It must be sweet because the hornets really liked it and were flying around while I was spraying the yard. It was very nerve racking. It will take a couple of month to notice any improvement in the quality of dirt in my yard. I have to spray the yard again next weekend, then once every 3 weeks.
The Round Up sort of worked. It at least killed the weed grass, ragweed and half of the sassafras trees. It didn’t kill, but did wound, the ivy, wild trumpet vine and unknown bushes in the back yard. It didn’t touch the nandina bush or the other vine that likes to crawl underneath my siding. I guess I will have to go get some more and concentrate more on those stubborn plants.
Side of the garage dead weed grass

Wider view of weeds on side of the garage

Dead weeds around the HVAC (heating & A/C) system
Nandina bush with dead wagweed in front Front of the house on the left side - mostly dead except for the crawling vine
Another view of the left side of the front - bush on the far left won't die!