Morgan had a great 1st birthday party. Her 3 cousins, Anthony, Zach & Whittney came and made the party fun. I had the honors of getting her ready for the party. Getting 2 onesies, tights, a tight fitting dress, and shoes on a 1-year-old is not as easy as it sounds (for a girl out of practice.) :) Watching her eat her piece of cake was very uneventful. She had more fun mushing the cake in her hands and then eating bits of cake off of them. Once the cake was just a gray mush, she then smeared it all over her face. No cake in her hair, diaper or on the floor.
Here are a few of my favorite pictures of Morgan before, during and after the party.
Chewing on her favorite keys

Checking out all the fabulous gifts from Auntie Katie